Thursday, April 5, 2007


So have you ever tried to come up with a creative title for a blog? I suppose if you blog already, you've done it.... Otherwise, I challenge you to come up with something creative and applicable (!) in a short span of time. Especially difficult is coming up with a good, applicable, spur-of-the-moment title when you just initiated the new-blog process and had given no thought whatsoever to the (obvious) eventuality of title creation.

Yeah. That's what I had to do.

Nevertheless, it's an apt title, given my background and profession. No, I'm not an IT person; I'm a Software Engineer. There's a difference: IT people live lives even more filled with bits of arcane knowledge. But we still have lots to deal with.

"Wait!" you say. "Arcane knowledge? What are you talking about? Are you some sort of occult member?"

No, I'm not. Pull open your dictionary and look up "arcane" and you'll see that.... Well, here, I'll do it for you: "arcane: understood by only a few; obscure." Think about it. That aptly describes the finer points of computers, does it not? I for sure think so and I know more about computers than the average person.

So is this blog going to be all about computer lore? No. I'd drive myself crazy. It'll be about whatever I feel like writing. But it needed a title, and I figure titles should be applicable. How applicable? Well, I'll post some computer lore, if for no other reason than to earn the title.

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