Monday, April 14, 2008


UVa Team members and Owen run for cover after the break.

On Sunday, we got an introduction to Speedball. It was crazy - and it was a lot of fun. Unlike woodsball, speedball is played on a field with soft, air-filled bunkers. The field is relatively small and the games are short - in the pro leagues, they're limited to some 5-7 minutes; none of our games lasted more than a couple of minutes.

A UVa team member takes aim behind a bunker

Hearing about speedball, I figured it would be sort of boring. It's not. While true that you have a big cushy bunker for protection, your lack of knowledge about how the game is progressing while you're hiding there limits the feeling of safety you have. You have to look around and keep scanning the field, so someone doesn't come up behind you.

Randy and Big Chris in a practice round against UVa

The shortness of the games also means that if (or when) you get shot out, you're not waiting a long time to play again. Which is good. 'Cause I got shot many times off the break (before I ever made it to my bunker).

It was a lot of fun, but hard on muscles I don't usually use: I'm rather sore today. All that crouching and tension....

Owen waits behind the doghouse for a good shot.James looks for a shot.

They'll play again in a couple of weeks - but I'll be out of town. Next time, perhaps.

One of Randy's teammates dives for a bunker

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