Monday, March 8, 2010

Bike Updates

We got my bike back together yesterday; here's a picture I took this afternoon of it all put together. No pictures of me on it at the moment - I'll need to get Tracy to take some tomorrow.

I rode to work today, which was fun and a little terrifying at the same time. It's a lot like learning to drive a car again. Or, even better, like learning to drive a manual when you've been driving for a bit but only automatics. There's a lot of trying to make sure you're doing the right thing at the same time as being safe.

Tracy went to Goochland today to pick up her aunt's bike to borrow for a bit until her dad's bike is fixed. So now we both have bikes! Here's Tracy sitting on the bike before she rode it up and down our street a handful of times.

Then we drove over to Barron together, paused there ('cause we'd gotten separated), and then drove along Hydraulic to Four Seasons and back home again. So basically around a short-ish loop. It was fun and enough for Tracy for this evening. We hope to do Free Union Road early Saturday morning (so there won't be many people out and we can go nice and slow).

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