Monday, January 21, 2008


While we're still not quite set to run a game of "outlaw" paintball (not at an official field) with folks from work, James and I are a lot closer. We still lack a chronograph to check the muzzle velocity of the markers, but we should get that taken care of by the end of this week. And on Saturday, we went over to Jason's deer-hunting patch of 32 acres in Madison and scoped things out. Our consensus was that the games will be awesome.

We brought along our markers to shoot at trees and get a feel for how well they were shooting. That was surprisingly fun, and we blew through a lot of paint (close to 500 rounds, each). It was chilly, so we were fairly bundled; there was still snow on the ground from earlier in the week.

Shooting at trees, James' marker was far more accurate than mine, which was rather depressing. He'd said that the paint he bought was "better," according to the guy who sold it to him, than some of the other stuff at the store - and only moderately more expensive. I borrowed a handful of balls and shot them with my marker - the difference in accuracy was staggering. Clearly it's worth it to buy "better" paint - I could actually hit my mark most of the time with his paint.

Tracy shot some, too - and enjoyed it enough that she's almost convinced she wants to come and play with us.

We might go play as early as this Saturday - hope to post details after it happens.

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